Evolving into 2018!

As we prepare to face another year, I hear of people “reflecting” on the last twelve months, for some it’s been a good one, for some, not so! It seems a societal tradition to look back on the past and set goals and aspirations for the coming year.

The human condition seems to always set terms and conditions for one’s self happiness! I always hear “I’ll be happy when….”. Sad as it is, we forget, true happiness is acquired just by choosing to ‘be happy’…….simples?! Maybe not?! Let’s slow down, think, enjoy all that is we are, all we have, and, be grateful, love……everything!!

On a personal level, the last year has been productive, seeing my business slowly sprout, and I look forward to blooming in 2018! I’m determined to face the ups and downs of life with renewed determination and focus.

We aren’t guaranteed tomorrow so make today count, do what you love, make a difference, show kindness, you have the power to make a change to the world, it’s your life, live it!


Harvesting Happiness with Patch Adams

The day started off with clown doctor Pady O’Connor AKA “Johan Cherry Wolf.” Johan Cherry Wolf shared some amazing stories of how he visits sick children and teenagers in hospital, making amazing connections by bringing love, joy and laughter through play.  This makes one able to forget illness and pain and just be in the moment.  What an inspirational playmate to have, making huge differences to sick youngsters and their families.

As a child he first came across the world’s smallest mask (the red nose) seeing a lady wearing one whilst she played the piano.  From that moment the red nose acted like a catalyst to his life path and life long connections.  Pady explained that when we play we expose some of our vulnerability which in turn enables us to become sensitive to others situations around us.  My understanding of this ‘shiny jewel’  will never be the same!

We were then blessed with the arrival of Dr Patch Adams. A physician, comedian, social activist, clown and author.  Patch explained that he had not had a bad day in 40 years -out of choice and can’t remember the last time he had a break. The 72 year old only sees his wife for 70 days per year. Despite his age, he said that his maturity level is of a 10 year old child.  He’s a Laugh Activist and world peace revolutionist!

In his youth, a suicidal Patch Adams was admitted to hospital three times.  It was during his last  stay that he decided to begin a ‘Happy Revolution.’ He committed himself to never having a bad day again.  His biggest love is humanity! He has carried out numerous experiments on humans including dialling wrong numbers just so he could speak to strangers, he also enjoyed playing funny games with strangers in elevators!

A very true point he made was how in today’s destructive society, people are trying their hardest not to make connections with people.  Upon observing people travelling to work he explained that People look like they are either on their way to see the shrink or on their way back from the shrink, A view I share!  He then went on to say that humans are at their most dangerous when they are full of love and joy!

Throughout his entire career spanning decades, he has not once, prescribed medications for mental illness. He describes depression as a diagnosis designed by multimillion dollar pharmaceuticals and that depression is only a symptom of loneliness, fear or anxiety. The secret is to tackle these and you can move mountains!

During the afternoon we were given exercises to do, some of which were a little bizarre to say the least, but lots of fun.  To me this illustrates how one can experience a truly joyous life by shifting the way you think and improving your attitude towards various hurdles in life.

The impact of this wonderful and personal day has been immense! I’m now on a mission to be infectious and to connect with as many souls as possible whilst hopefully leaving a little happiness in people’s lives!  It will take me a while return to planet earth after feeling so high on happiness!